Thursday, August 31, 2006



I lost 9 pounds this week. I don't know if I won the competition yet, but I can assure you that I have worked my butt off. Literally. A few personal notes: 1) got a pair of pajama pants from my aunt around July 4th (they're orange, from Old Navy, and way cute), but were entirely too tight! They fell off of my hips Tuesday night. 2) Have a Liz Claiborned red dress that I love but couldn't wear because it's fit to be curvier, haven't been able to zip it up in at least two years, and it fits perfectly today! 3) Bought a really cute dress to wear to camp meeting last year (I was excited to see my friend H.), and it fit well, but was almost too tight earlier this summer. It's too big now!!!!! I realize that nobody cares much about this, but weight loss finally got in my head. It's different foods now, little grease, no Cokes, DP's, or anything carbonated, 100x's more fruit, and a mentality. God is good folks... without him, I wouldn't accomplish anything.

I'll sign on later to tell if I won.

1 comment:

Holly said...

So email me and tell me how you set up this diet plan? Sounds like you still eat a lot of good stuff and still lose. I have to get back on the bandwagon ASAP....