Friday, September 1, 2006


Happy September...

Here’s my life for the last few days:

Sunday: Drove home from GA, bought groceries, was accused of shoplifting WATER at Wal-Mart, walk with Kristen & Riley.
Monday: Work, walk with K & R.
Tuesday: Work, walk with K & R early because K. is subbing and babysitter does not give R. a nap. (Babysitter has only had 9 days off in ten years. That is not enough.)
Wednesday: Work, Birthday dinner for friend in bible study, Church, Walk with K., R., and D.
Thursday: Work half day, Second place in Biggest Loser at work (consolation prize of $150.00), also won weekly contest and reclaimed possession of Ronald, home to move roomie’s stuff to my storage, walk with K. & R. in mid-afternoon (man it was hot!), dinner with Hot friend C., and back to house, chat briefly with girls at GG, and then to tap night reception.
Tonight: NOTHING

I know that I have lots to do when I get home, but it’s nice to know that there is nothing pressing.

Had dinner with my friend, and he gave me a card. It made my day. He’s very special.

Brother got an apartment on 25th and 3rd Ave. He is so excited. Me too… because he will have a bigger apartment and a kitchen. Am 90% sure that I will be going up for Thanksgiving with or without my Mom and SD.

Haven’t read in almost two weeks. I can really tell a big difference in my thoughts/actions when I don’t read regularly. I must read a book this weekend. I mentioned the reading because I don’t read junk, I definitely take time to invest in what I’m reading, whether it’s the Bible or some book that is spiritually encouraging. When I read, it helps me keep crap out, so to speak. I’m not nearly as cluttered worrying about things that I know not to worry about when I take time to fill my mind. I have been spending my reading time each night on the phone with a friend of mine. I really care so deeply for this friend. End of story. Must beginning regime again tonight.

I’m getting very excited for the reunion. The countdown is now 14 days. I don’t know what to do with myself. Strange as this sounds, I have somehow acquiesced to a point that I never thought I would, in that I have been invited to “hang out” with a few girls from high school. Isn’t that ridiculous? My self-esteem is not hanging on their acceptance, but I just find it interesting that it took ten years. I’m very excited to see them too. We were friends in HS, but I never did anything socially with them.

Beginning in a few weeks this will be my normal schedule:
Monday: Belly Dancing – Yes, I finally paid the money and I am serious about this.
Tuesday: Beth Moore Bible study on Daniel: A life of Integrity
Wednesday: Church
Thursday: Girls’ Group Bible study at my house
The weekends will take care of themselves (hopefully), but I’m planning on a friend coming down from Ohio the last weekend in September, a birthday celebration for my friend in ATL, a visit to NC before the end of the year, and Thanksgiving in NYC. I may also go visit Mt. Cheaha. I haven’t there since I was 8.

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