Tuesday, May 9, 2006



Today I had a little scare thinking I wasn't going to have a place to live, but things worked out.

Sidenote: I just realized that I did not eat dinner! What is wrong with me?

Tomorrow: Work... Church... Packing before bed.
Thursday: Work... Bible study... Packing before bed.
Friday: Work... Packing, and my precious friend is going to let me move a few things in.

I just want to go on record that I am so blessed. Thank God for my friends, and even those that I am not super close with. It's funny, we hear and read so often about God working things together for our good, but how often do we really stop and experience it?

Lord, thank you for the clarity to relish the time that you give me and understand that you are Sovereign and in complete control of my life. Thank you for Your guidance, Your will, but most importantly, Your timing. Thank you for being such a good God.

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