Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Super-mature people intimidate me.

You know those people who seemingly always have it together? They always look meticulous? Perfectly coifed hair. Perfectly manicured nails. Shoes without a blemish. I think you get what I'm trying to say, no?

They intimidate the hootie-hoo out of me.

And I have no idea why.

I'm really flawed. I forget stuff. I do not put my make-up on until about 10:30 everyday (at my desk at work). Perfectly coifed hair? Ha ha. Let's not talk about my hair, k? Some days it's as though I lack some beauty-school quality that they taught in elementary school on a day that I was out sick... or something. I'm sure that was the same day they reiterated that pink is a good girl color. I apparently came back on "Black is your new BFF" day. At 29, you would think this fear would have passed. I mean, I have a college degree, a career, and no jail record. That should be enough, right?

I wish.

Furthermore,... really skinny people intimidate me too.

That, is another blog inandofitself though.



Broken Shadows said...

Sound like your 90% there. But what your lacking is the most important element in not being intimidated which is. . . . attitude. Attitude is everything take it from me see I'm arrogant which makes me able to make this statement.

I could go into super long details that you see those two qualities as a type of opportunity in your life that your trying to achieve in some way but I'm not a shrink - I need a shrink.

And why are you intimidated by some skinny person? I just count my lucky stars that if there is a food crisis at some point I will NOT be the first to go. I'm packing reserves, however I am in the process of trying to lower the supply in those reserves. Do you feel my drift here?

Just my honest opinion *shrug*

Jenn said...

This made me laugh out loud. Trust me, I won't be in the first crew to go either (should there be a food crisis)!!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

I recognize a lot of what you said as things I've said to myself at times. No big advice here. :)

Jonathan Stone said...

Jenn, thanks for commenting on my blog. I posted back there. I like your blog. Look forward to more.