Thursday, August 28, 2008

Reality Lesson: REJECTION

Tonight I attended a ceremony for my sorority at my Alma mater. Before the ceremony, I had dinner with a few friends and we were discussing the rituals and rites of passage involved with said sorority (and the rest of the Greek community) at my Alma Mater.

And you know what I was reminded of: REJECTION.

Without sounding callous... rejection is a way of life. I can't help but find ridiculousness in people who constantly want to eradicate rejection from real life.

NEWS FLASH -- Even Jesus got rejected. I'm not going to give my dissertation on original sin and rejection, but I feel like we all need to be reminded that rejection happens.

You don't get into that club.
You don't get into that school.
You don't get that job.
He/She doesn't love you back.
You don't win every time.

Maybe I sound mean... (that's entirely up to your interpretation), but life is not sunshine, cupcakes, and roses, you know? I would love to be 5'7" and weigh 115 pounds. But I'm not ever going to be that. Unless you amputate above my ankles. Or I spend 5 months starving. So, I have to make choices. Some work out and some don't, but I don't give up. I can't help but think that the only way to avoid rejection is to avoid taking any risk. Spiritually speaking, you put faith in God and believe that His Way leads to everlasting life. Then again, maybe that's why I think Agnostics are really just indecisive. They never risk faith.

Maybe I need to start a colony of people who want to live in a box. No risk, no rejection.

But in the same thought process...
Maybe that club wasn't right for you
Maybe that school didn't offer what you wanted
Maybe there's a better job
There's definitely somebody better!
You don't lose all the time either


P.S. I'm preaching to the Choir here.
rejection sucks.


Staci said...

I 100%, completely, totally agree with you!!!

Tamara said...

I hope things went well on Thursday!

Here are my thoughts about rejection:

I had a moment of inspiration from a teacher that I worked with about 8 years ago. We were PE teachers together and were planning Field Day. One of the classroom teachers approached her and said, "Can we just give out participation ribbons to everyone? It is just not fair that some kids can never get a first place ribbon."

After thinking about it for several days, our head PE teacher had a brilliant response. "Not every child makes a 100 on a spelling test. Would it be right to go ahead and give them all a perfect score when they can't actually spell? Some children can't excel in the classroom. But they can in the gym. Those children need that recognition, too."

Hopefully, we can all find a place in our life where we can be the bright shining star. Sometimes it takes trial and error. But I hope we can all find it.