Thursday, February 23, 2006

Still Sick & Now with Wild Hair.

Tonight I paid to have my hair colored. My roots were AWFUL! Like an inch long and totally infested with WHITE hair. It's terrible. I do not like this part of growing up.

Last night, I went to a friend's church (he's the associate pastor there, but his primary focus is the youth). Well, last night they had a true love waits ceremony. It was absolutely incredible. He and his wife asked all the teenagers to dress up really nice (prom dresses and decked out suits) and come. Instead of having it in the youth room, the church was decorated for a wedding with a big candalabra. It was just beautiful! All the girls looked so pretty, and you could see all the game those guys were running!!! It was awesome to witness 25 youth really dedicate their virginity and purity back to the Lord. I was very moved.

After church, we went and ate, and I will say that I arrived at the service at 7:00, and didn't get home until 12:30 this morning. We stayed at the restaurant and talked for three hours. It was wonderful. I love bonding, and am excited about visiting this church ALOT more in the coming weeks. I also get to know the A.P.'s wife more -- she is precious. It is so clear to see (having known a few of the girls he dated) what makes her different. She is a little pastor's wife, and it is truly honorable to see how successful they are going to be.

I am still sick. I hate these chewable things I have to take every three hours. They make me gag, but I am suffering through like a brave little soldier. Makes me miss my mom. :(

As far as hair... pick up a brick red crayon, and that's what color it is. In the right like it has a dark purple hue to it... kinda crazy. I'm probably going to put blonde in it shortly.

Work is... work. I don't want to be there because I feel yuck. This is the girls' weekend I've been planning for, and the only part I'm not looking forward to is that I will be driving. I don't want to since I feel bad, and I am not letting anyone else drive the bullet.

Think that's all... I'm tired anyway!

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