Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter/Resurrection Sunday

Happy Easter Peeps! Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again. I spent the day with my CleveVegas family, and then laid before the Lord for three hours on my couch. It was glorious!

Easter Weekend reminds me of reading "The Day I Was Crucified" by Gene Edwards. If you haven't read that book, just know that it ranks as one of the top five books I've ever read. It's a fictional perspective from Jesus of the few days leading to and following his death. To know that he drank the cup of iniquity for me, worthless, undeserving me, is humbling and mindblowing and more incredible than I can put into words.

And just to leave you with something rad, check out Coffey Anderson's remix of Umbrella -- the Christian version.

1 comment:

The Link said...

Thank you for posting that. I needed to hear that.