Friday, May 30, 2008

you know it's a bad sign...

when you really want to write but realize you have nothing to write about.

Seriously, I've resorted to reading headlines and being shocked by them:

"Clay Aiken to become a Dad"
"MMMBop Drummer officially a Dad"
"It's a 5ire at 50 Cent's house"

It's kinda pathetic!

I did try to register my GMAT book, but because I purchased a 2009 book, it won't work until June 3.

I had lunch with a co-worker where we giggled about dogs.

I have a REALLY BIG SECRET that I'm dying to share, but I know I can't.

Some friends and I are going to the Junk Store in Etowah tomorrow. Pray for me. I don't enjoy shopping at Ross and TJMaxx, so I'm kinda worried.

The wedding in Mexico is tomorrow, and while I'm still a little melancholy that I'm not there, I know that I wasn't supposed to be there.

Reteaching myself some accounting stuff that I have forgotten in the last seven years is tough. I feel so foolish reading the beginning of my Principles book -- "A business is... ", but I know that reading all of this again with what I DO know is the best thing I can do.

My friend received a disgusting text message this morning. There are some real creeps out there. Be careful.

I attended a Lunch & Learn yesterday about online predators and how to keep your kids safe. I'm a big advocate that WE ALL NEED TO LEARN TO USE THE INTERNET. The office (who is with the local city office) kept saying that his 3-year old daughter was going to be so mad because when she grew up, she'd never get to use the internet. **Don't be a naive parent or loved one.** Get involved. Parents need to get involved. Teachers need to get involved. Anyone who works with children older than 2 need to get involved and be informed. I encourage my co-workers with kids to get online and look at what they're kids are looking at... more importantly, what's looking back at their kids. After the class, I asked him about Twitter. He looked at me and said, "I've never heard of that". It makes me beyond sad that the agency that is working to stop predators online aren't aware of new programs that target texting. We've got to pray, y'all. Soapbox, Off.

... work is slow... hopefully, today won't be a "full" day.

Much love Interpeeps!! Happy Friday!!

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