Monday, October 1, 2007

Post Secret

In 8 days, the new Post Secret book comes out.

A lifetime of Secrets by Frank Warren

To express my excitement is an understatement.
I had the privilege back in January to go see/meet Frank Warren. I even called Sunburned right before I did because, if I remember correctly, she had seen him days before.

As I sit here to type this, I have to confess the realizations about PostSecret for me. Having those secrets out has been a revelation in my life.

There are secrets that are good to let out sometimes. There are secrets that are easier to forget than deal with the consequences. How we deal with our secrets is the litmus test for our character.

And it probably sounds ludicrous that I should be so passionate about four books jam-packed with others people secrets, or my fascination with a weekly update of 20 new secrets, but what PostSecret did for me was make me deal with my own secrets.

I have one secret that I've carried for 17 years.
But, I've let all the others out.
I even sent Frank a few and gave him two in person.
Writing those secrets out wasn't hard, giving them to him was very difficult.

But, it mirrors my faith. We have to give our lives, our junk, our Faith, our Trust, over to God. He deals with the secrets then. And, for those secrets that are confessions, He promises to forgive them and throw them away, never to be remembered again. For secrets that have impact, God has given us a Deliverer in Jesus to break the bonds of our sin.

I challenge you to read PostSecret. You will be offended. You might get physically ill from what you read. Your heart may be filled with love or compassion for others. But this is no different from how God Almighty feels about us. You might not think you bring something that offensive to God, but our sin makes us the most filthy, the most unrighteous, the most putrid thing ever. But, when we give them to God, He makes us new.

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