Thursday, November 6, 2008

Various & UnSundry ... part 13!

I've failed to mention that November is NaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month - a challenge to blog everyday for 30 days. I think every blogger I know has an inconsistent blogging "season" in their writing -- either from lack of material or just being busy, but I really wanted to try and keep up with this one. Thanksgiving may be tough for me, but I'm going to try!


I'm superstressed getting ready for this weekend. And the people in my life are not cooperating which is only making matters more frustrating. Hello People, let's work To-Geth-Er! I did come clean with a friend on the phone who's staying through Sunday night to tell her that I'm probably going to be a little ill (or a lot) by Sunday afternoon.


I was able to make homemade rice krispies treats and spinach dip last night, as well as getting a few things organized in my room. I did however miss a really big thing on my To-Do list. :(


My little escape is television. I absolutely LOVE Criminal Minds. If you've never watched an episode, you're missing out and I highly recommend it. Last night was FABULOUS! and just confirms that Matthew Gray Gubler is HOT!! (Dear Jesus, please send me a skinny hot guy who loves you and doesn't treat me like dirt. Thank you, and Amen!)

And to top it all off, my internal schedule is totally thrown out of whack because of the time change. Boo.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

OMG, I have never found anyone else who lurved Matthew Gray Gubler! My husband doesn't suspect a thing.

He was hilarious in RV! I looked on IMDB & found out he just finished filming the lead role in a movie called "Pornstar"!!!