Friday, June 13, 2008

Sex God: discussion

Have any of you ever read Sex God by Rob Bell? The girls' group I'm in has been reading it for the last seven weeks, and I have to admit that it's a great read. Everytime I pick up the book, I think how well it speaks about issues that teenagers could understand.

Just FYI, we've been reading the book together each week (one girl starts, and reads a page at a time, and we go around the room), so that nobody has to do any homework/preparation for it, especially considering our already busy lives.

Last night, we read through chapter 6, which was all about submission, what it means to submit, and submission in relationships (almost specifically in marriage). Following the readings, we just open up the floor (as it were) to comments/questions. Last night, I tuned out briefly around the fourth page, and missed a whole paragraphy and wound up asking a general opinion question that was stated in the book. Oh well..

If you haven't had a chance (or ever heard of it), then I highly recommend Sex God. You won't be disappointed.


m.d. mcmullin said...

I haven't read this book but I really enjoy Rob Bell. I got to see him live in Dallas on the "The Gods Must Be Crazy" Tour. Very good and very thought provoking.

Thanks for not only visiting my blog but thanks for the link. I didn't know I was even linked here.

Warrior Priestess said...

I put my comments of the book in the book on post it notes. So when I'm able to dig out the book I'll post comments and thus be able to relate and connect with you. Since I desperately want to.
Connect that