Tuesday, February 6, 2007


My days begin with reading blogs. First thing, I get on and check my blog, and the links that I have set up. I look at my friend Jenn’s, then read her comments, then read the blogs of those commenters. Then I go back. Then I read the LPM blog, and the many comments, and as many blogs are available from those commenters. It is through LPM that I have discovered a VAST network of bloggers, rings galore, and am fascinated and challenged by their thoughts. And then I go back. Through more links, through more blogs. It’s quite the cycle each day.

And. I. feel. totally. inadequate.

I. feel. boring.

I don’t have kids, so that knocks out funny and sweet anecdotes that children have. I don’t work with children either. Ruled out. I work with adults. And they are totally boring. I go to church or bible study four days a week. So you count 40 hours working, 10 hours a week driving to work, 56 hours sleeping (that’s being generous), 3 ½ hours of personal study time, 8 hours a week spent watching David Caruso, 11 ½ hours eating, 15 hours of church/bible study stuff, 7 hours of “getting ready” time, … that only leaves 17 hours to have a life. And that allocated over 7 days leaves 2.43 hours of social activity.

(And considering the fact that I just wasted ten minutes trying to figure all of that up, I only have a little more than two hours to have a life TODAY!)

I think this means I’m going to have to give up David Caruso time and frankly, that just makes me sad. :(

I think the other thing is that I feel inadequate as a writer. You know there are some people who are originals, and there are others who are imitators. I don’t want to be an imitator! I was reminded of an idea yesterday that I wanted to send to a few people and then felt like a leech for wanting to do so by “stealing” someone else’s original idea. BOO.

So… here’s to being a better writer. And Original.

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