Friday, February 16, 2007

God is still in the pages...

So, yesterday I posted about the word Cleveland being mentioned in my book. I shared it at Girls' Group last night. My insecurity tells me that people hearing me talk about this, might think I'm nutty as a fruitcake. But it happened again. My co-workers and I have been conversing about "D.T.R." for a few weeks. None of them knew what it mean. They thought I made up this term. They have given me a really hard time about it. But last night, reading the same book, the author talked about D.T.R. I sat up in the bed and laughed! This morning, when I shared my little findings, no one appreciated it as much as had hoped. They hate it when I'm right. :) I just got tickled that a man, 2700 miles away, wrote about a topic TWO years ago that we are discussing.

Do I think this coincidental? Not even in the slightest.


My precious best friend of 20 years gave birth on Valentine's. While I rarely get to see my nephew and neice, I am proud to be and "Aunt" of sorts to this precious new baby boy! His big sister and brother were no doubt even more anxious to meet him than I! Congrats BF!!!


Really... I'm tapped out this morning. I had good prayer time on my way to work. I ran across an old hymn and realized the depth of the words. They pierced my soul this morning like a hot knife to butter. God's presence (and all that entails) are scandalously available to anyone who wants it. I'm so thankful for the little things...

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