Thursday, July 5, 2007

I think I need this verse tattooed on my forehead!

This morning's devo included the following verse:

"So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God." 1 Peter 2:1-3

In case you missed Sunburned's "False Advertising" entry, go read it. The verse and the devo that went along with it talked about how we (and by WE I am pointing fingers at ME) are so quick to foam at the mouth and put the Jesus stamp on it. Case in point: What about gossip? Pretending to build one another up in love, we camouflage gossip with prayer. "Did you hear about sister so-and-so? We need to pray for her. I heard that…"

It made me also think about my own frustrations. I had a convo with an old friend yesterday who nearly died while in Las Vegas. He and his girlfriend went out to see LV, and he had a seizure in a casino. They took him to a hospital and discovered an inoperable brain tumor (which is now monitored with meds). But, this experience changed his life in that, he either had to make a "clean sweep" or die. I also thought about how I love the shows Clean House and The Biggest Loser. They're all about change. However, if you don't change the mentality behind the problems, then the only thing you do is make the outside more presentable, until it happens again.

I am reminded today that I still have a lot of house cleaning to do with me. I have to stop worrying/fretting/thinking about everybody else's junk, and rest in the knowledge that God will deal with them, in GOD'S TIME, and He doesn't need me to be a concerned citizen or Deputy Dog to alert him to the problem.


oh amanda said...

So true. It's that whole thing of washing the outside of the cup and leaving dirt on the inside!

And oh! I can't wait for the Biggest Loser to come back on!

oh amanda said...

I just looked at your blogroll & realized we know the same people. You're friends w/Lindsey Mills? Have we met? Or did you just find me via her blog? Anyway, nice to *meet* you!

I'm enjoying looking around!
