Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

I'm 30.

I totally started typing a 2 just then and had to hit delete!


I'm not gonna lie... it is COLD up in NYC, but I had an awesome plane flight in last night, and met two really nice women (one of whom shared a cab with me and confessed in a whisper that she was pentacostal and had a prayer language and wanted to make sure that I was okay with that). Of course, I was! The other lady, as it turned out, graduated from Harvard, went to Law School, and is now a writer... and her book is due out next year. It the shortest flight I've ever had considering the constant conversation, and the fact that the pilot was hauling it!

I've been blessed to receive numerous phone calls and social networking birthday wishes... and I am truly, truly thankful!

My birthday wish is that you do something for somebody else. Bless somebody. Pay it forward, if you will! Tell the girl at the drivethru to have a 'Merry Christmas'! Be kind to that server who (you can clearly tell) is overwhelmed because of the Holiday rush. Check on elderly in your neighborhood. Be Kind!

I cannot wait to see what the next 30 years hold... mostly what the next year holds!

Regardless,... I know who holds me, and THAT is what matters!



The Miles Family said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Can't wait to see pictures from your trip!

Mimi said...

Celebrate you today!


Josh Lane said...

happy birthday jenn...and although i am extremely jealous of you and where you are at right now, i hope that you have a splendid time!