Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Drop a bomb...

on your Mom" was the gimmick running on the radio this morning. The girl that won finally told her Mom that she got married the day before her wedding. And the Mom was so mad she hung up on her daughter on the radio. It was priceless, and maybe repeated again in the future.... cross your fingers.

Mother's day is upon us, and is one of my more favorite holidays. To quote the illustrious Randy Jackson, "Let me break it down for ya' DAWG", but my Mom is forrizzle the coolest woman/Mother/friend Ever. I realize that some of ya'll are thinking that your Mothers are special, and I'm sure they are, but there is No one like Shirley. NOBODY. And I love her, and a day to celebrate her excites my heart! I will try to get together a photomontage this weekend (because me and Shirl have had some style issues over the years that will no doubt provide a healthy ab workout for some of you from laughing so hard). Here's a few pics from March with JM to get to started... :)

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