Monday, October 20, 2008

Internet Dating.

How do you feel about it?


The Miles Family said...

I have a few friends that I've met online over the years. Through blogs and various other ways... I think that it is possible to cultivate a friendship via the internet, but I don't know about a romantic relationship....
But, as my momma always said, "It better to be friends first than to date and THEN try to be friends!"

So I guess I would say, internet dating seems to be a pretty popular choice now a days (wow, that made me sound old) and as long as you are careful about meeting someone face to face then it can probably work.
I have 3 friends who met their husbands online. :)

Holly said...

As in meeting someone online through a dating site? Well...that's how I met my other half. Although, we exchanged a few emails and phone calls before our first sate, we did not have any intent to "date" via the internet.

Staci said...

ugh...I've tried all of 'em and I'm STILL single.

Does that answer your question??

Aims said...

I have met a few guys online and I didn't really care for any of them. It may work for some, but it hasn't worked for me yet.

kristen elisa said...

I think it's great... for some people. Think about it, you're meeting people based on compatibility which is designed to compliment your your preferences.

I think it's just a matter of accepting the idea of it. But, if you're like me, I need face to face interaction so it just wouldn't work with me. In ten years, I think it will be so common that it won't even be an issue.

Once, I joined a free membership of an online Christian dating service because I wanted to meet an Australian Christian ( really like the accent). As you can see, I had no such luck, but it was fun meeting people. :) DO IT, JEN.

The Miles Family said...

To your friend looking for an Aussie... I have a friend coming to visit in Feb from Australia. :)