Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekend rundown

This weekend (after my SuperCrazyLady meltdown on Friday), I went home to see my Mama.

Good times, Y'all. Good Times.

Friday night, I got to see one of my favorite people and hear what God is doing in his life. It's Big Y'all. So Big that I can't share right now, but you can bet your Sweet Bippy that I'm doing to do a big 'ole post in the future, k? Anywho, being around my friend just encouraged and blessed my heart. I love being around people who are so geniune about Jesus. So geniune in fact that they STILL have their sense of humor!

Saturday, after the various things o' the morning, my mom and I went shopping. Praise the Lord for no credit card debt.

And after my spree (it WAS a spree), I still have no debt. PTL.

I should mention that my mother has, for some time, wanted to learn how to put on eyeliner. While we were in Dillard's grabbing some make-up for her, she asked the lady to teach her how to apply it (which was absolutely precious). Not only did the lady teach her, but she put on black mascara. One of the things I inherit from my mom is that the tip of our eyelashes are blonde. My mom's eyelashes aren't stumpy... They're really long! I was mesmerized on our drive home because I've never seen her lashes so long!!! And eyeliner... look fabulous on her. My mom is a natural redhead with yellow cream skin (I got the pasty skin, thanks!). My mom wears purple, so the lady hooked up her with this really pretty plum eyeliner. Totally brings out my Mom's green eyes!

Anywhoo... after that, I went home to get ready for a live recording. B-Dub had been buggin' me for a while to come to this. The recording was good, but I quickly realized that he has NOT CHANGED IN 10 YEARS. And if this is the way I view him, what does that say about me????? Oi.

I feel like there was something blogworthy on Saturday, but for the life of me... I can't remember what it is.

I do hope you all had a great weekend! I'm working on a spectacular iPod post (and CD giveaway)! Hopefully, I'll have that up soon. L8R.

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