Saturday, March 28, 2009

2009 Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Walk - Team Nathan

I wanted to blog about the walk since it's been all consuming in my life these last three months.

For starters, we had OVER 150 walkers registered today.

Our initial goal was $55,000... we raised....


You also should know that the entire walk raised just over $60K... meaning we raised nearly 1/3!!!!! AMAZING!!!

The stress of the pneumonia has been hard. Because of the high number of people who went to the Smith's last night, and the potential for more exposure, I wasn't able to go. It broke my heart. I literally wound up lying on the couch crying, frustrated that my sickness was preventing me from being a part of something to important.

But, I meant that I wasn't going to miss the walk... at any cost! There were more than a few bumps in the road, and I wish I could tell you that I haven't been frustrated with people the last few months. I still have good friends who haven't paid, I got chewed out more than a few times this morning, and that in combination with my exhaustion was almost overwhelming. But I know that's a price you pay when you do stuff like this... somebody's always gonna be the fall guy, and this is my chosen plight! I made it to the school before the run (only to find out that Student Life didn't cut the check properly and the representative was not pleasant), and got to see a few of my friends who were running! God love them for running in the rain! I had a quick trip to Walgreen's for some poster board (for a sign you'll see in future pictures!), and wound up crying (the UGLY CRY) with the cashier. You just never know when grief will hit you.

And being at the walk... was no small feet. We had a HUGE group of walkers! Here is a pretty good picture of us all taken before and after the walk!

I am beyond exhausted from today. I overdid it and am paying dearly for it tonight. Honestly, I'm not excited about going back to work on Monday simply because I don't trust the people I work with. I don't think they get it... GO TO THE STINKIN' DOCTOR! Tomorrow (well today) is going to be a day of rest and recuperation. If you're still praying for me, please know that I covet your prayers!!!

Thank you again for all your giving! You are so much a part of us finding a cure!!!!!!!!



Mimi said...

Still praying. It does not sound like you are ready to return to work! Be careful.

Tasha said...

Girl I think that you deserve the "Superman (or woman :) Cape" for all the work you did to help make yesterday possible with pneumonia on top of everything. Thanks for everything you did. I know the Smith's loved it and you. I know Nathan would have loved it too. Praying for your recovery!