Thursday, January 8, 2009

a word of thanks...

I cannot begin to express my thanks (to those of you who read and/or comment) for your prayers for Nathan. I have been overwhelmed with comments, facebook messages, texts, etc. from people in the last 12 hours saying they are praying for me.

My heart is so full right now.

And I know you are, but I am asking that you pray for all of Nathan's family and friends. In the last year, Nathan came to realize how many people love him. His family realized the tremendous number of lives that Nathan touched too. I'm sure they knew how wonderful Nathan was, and had been told on many occasions, but this last year (as reiterated by his parents and both brothers), it was a never-ending spicket of friends, and co-workers, and even strangers that really began to express how much Nate meant to all of us.

I speak for the friends (as I am one) that today is, as you would expect, very bittersweet for all of us. We are rejoicing that Nathan is "breathing" around the throne room of heaven, but we miss our friend beyond words. Last night, we all got a taste of the silence we know will befall us for a while. And as I was looking around the room, I thought long and hard about the different relationships that we each had with him.

He was a best friend, a landlord, a GuitarHero buddy, an outdoorsman, and an occasional PDR. His door was always open... even as he was administering his meds. He was objective advice, good jokes, words of truth, and a ray of God's love in all of our lives. He was a groomsman, friend from high school, a fraternity brother, a co-worker, and the consummate event organizer (trust me when I say I have BIG shoes to fill!).

I received a voicemail a few hours ago from a friend (and fellow blogger) expressing her condolences for me. I was humbled because I realized very quickly that she had known him longer than I, and my ache is no deeper then hers. We all loved Nathan. He was easy to love and he knew how to love you back in a special way. And while I know this goes with out saying, I am asking you to pray for my friends -- for peace and comfort, processing emotions, and celebrating a life lived to the fullest... for praising God that today Nathan is healed, and for strength in knowing that God's plan is best, even and especially when we don't understand.

"I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise."
Psalm 34:1 The Message

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I hope you don't mind that I used the picture in your last post on my blog. I wanted to put a face with the name and looked through some other pictures on his site, but felt that this one seems to touch me most. :)

I love you & will be praying you through the weekend!

<3 Mish.