Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike!!

This is a few days late, but tonight is the Splendid Birthday Celebration of a wonderful friend. Mike is by far one of the funniest people that I know. Since his wedding, he sends out mass emails about dating and relationships to all the "single ladies" in our network. And some of them... hilarious.

Hey Mike... "Who loves ya'?"... We do!

There aren't many people in life who possess the creativity to think of these costumes, or the confidence to pull them off. Mike will tell you like it is, but make you laugh (or cry laughing) while he's doing it! He's a Guy's guy, a die-hard Texas Fan (HOOK 'EM HORNS), and seriously one of the coolest people I know. I hope you know how thankful WE (your friends and fans!) are to have you in our life!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I really like you hair in the french maid outfit, i like the hightlights!